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Introduction to ETHChicago

Welcome to the ETHChicago Docs! Here you will find answers to common questions and directions on how to engage with our community further.

These docs are meant to be a community resource, as such, they are open-source and we welcome your own additions via github (pending our review).


What is ETHChicago?

ETHChicago is a community-run hackathon and conference focused on decentralized technology, particularly within the Ethereum ecosystem. Our aim is to catalyze innovation, foster collaboration, and promote education through real-world impact in blockchain technology.

When and where will ETHChicago take place?

ETHChicago will take place September 15-17th 2023 in Chicago, Illinois at The Metropolitan Club inside the Willis Tower.

Who can attend ETHChicago?

Anyone interested in decentralized technology is welcome, including developers, creatives, business leaders, students, and enthusiasts from all walks of life. Our community is diverse, inclusive, and open to all.

How can I participate in ETHChicago?

There are several ways you can participate in ETHChicago: as a volunteer, partner, speaker, mentor, or attendee. Our website is a great starting point but also feel free to checkout or contact us directly on Twitter &

Will there be bounties?

Yes, there will be bounties for hackathon participants. Details will be announced closer to the event.

Event Format

ETHChicago is designed around five key user tracks: builders, creatives, traditional business, legal & policy, and financial. The hackathon comprises builders and creatives, while the conference targets traditional business, legal & policy, and financial minds.


  • Builder: Designed for developers and technologists who are interested in building decentralized applications or infrastructure. Participants in this track will take part in our hackathon, tackling challenges and creating innovative solutions within the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • Creative: Aimed at designers, artists, and creators who use or are interested in blockchain technology. Creatives are encouraged to collaborate and innovate, helping to shape the aesthetic and user experience of decentralized technology.


  • Traditional Business: For business leaders and entrepreneurs looking to understand and explore the potential of blockchain technology. The conference will offer talks, workshops, and panels discussing practical applications of Ethereum in various industries.
  • Legal & Policy: A platform for lawyers, policy-makers, and anyone interested in the legal aspects and implications of blockchain technology. We will host experts to discuss regulation, compliance, and legal innovation within the blockchain space.
  • Financial: Focused towards those from the financial sector or anyone keen on exploring the financial applications of Ethereum, including DeFi. You will journey through an informative and insightful track on blockchain's impact of the world of finance.

Remember, these tracks are not exclusive; attendees are encouraged to explore all areas that interest them.

Official Side Events

In addition to the main event, ETHChicago hopes to help coordinate a variety of side events. These are designed to offer hands-on experiences, provide further networking opportunities, and help illustrate the diversity and density of the Chicago community. They could range from informal meetups and dinners, to workshops, competitions, or even city tours. Considering throwing a side event? Submit a Partnership Interest Form and we will reach out to help figure out a plan that fit's your goals. Official side events will be promoted through our accounts before and during ETHChicago.